Tax Preparation is not as simple as it seems. Preparing your own income tax return is often times a job that makes you end up with more questions and less answers in the end. Based on a recent study published by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, the majority of taxpayers (77% of 71,000,000 taxpayers) said they felt they greatly benefited from having tax preparation performed by a professional. The people here in Massachusetts are no different; Let the best company in tax preparation help you!
Tax preparation and filing a relatively simple return can be an extremely confusing task because the tax laws today have become so complex. Overlooking deductions and tax credits which you are entitled to during tax preparation is all too easy to do. Even if your tax preparation is done by the use of a computer software program, there is absolutely no substitute for the help and guidance of tax professionals with years of experience!
Here’s what you get…
- Accurate and thorough tax preparation by Steven P. Ruse, CPA, CFP®.
- Your tax return will be checked and rechecked by our computer software identifying potential problems the IRS may look at more closely and reviewing the math to lesson the amount of contact our clients have with the IRS contacts. The less contact our clients have with the IRS because their tax preparation was done correctly, the better!
- Once your tax preparation is finished and reviewed your tax return will be filed electronically so you will receive your refund much faster.
- Our tax preparation staff here in Clinton, Massachusetts will teach you how to adjust your payroll withholding to get more money in your pocket each week. Why would anyone want to give the IRS a 16 month interest free loan?
- You will be shown potential deductions to decrease your tax liability for the next year to help you benefit in your future tax preparation. Also, while we are in the middle of your tax preparation, we give you a sheet of commonly overlooked deductions to additionally help lessen the following year’s tax liability.
Books a Mess? No Problem!
If you own a small business and have not been good about keeping up on your bookkeeping, no need to worry. We are here to help you; In addition to your tax preparation, we will get you caught up on your bookkeeping for the year, prepare your full Schedule C, and will even assist you with your personal income tax preparation and return. We will then help you in setting up a simple and user-friendly system that will make keeping your books in tip-top shape easy for you next year.
Please Contact Us to find out more about our Tax Preparation services.